@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env php
+ * This file is part of php-restcord.
+ *
+ * (c) Aaron Scherer <aequasi@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * This source file is subject to the license that is bundled
+ * with this source code in the file LICENSE
+ */
+function recursiveRemoveDirectory($directory)
+ foreach (glob("{$directory}/*") as $file) {
+ if (is_dir($file)) {
+ recursiveRemoveDirectory($file);
+ } else {
+ unlink($file);
+ }
+ }
+ rmdir($directory);
+$path = __DIR__.'/../src/Model';
+try {
+ recursiveRemoveDirectory($path);
+} catch (\Exception $e) {
+mkdir($path, 02775, true);
+$path = realpath($path);
+require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
+use gossi\codegen\generator\CodeGenerator;
+use gossi\codegen\model\PhpClass;
+use gossi\codegen\model\PhpMethod;
+use gossi\codegen\model\PhpProperty;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Application;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
+$loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(__DIR__.'/../src/Resources/');
+$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, ['debug' => true]);
+$twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extension_Debug());
+$license = <<<EOF
+ * Copyright 2017 Aaron Scherer
+ *
+ * This source file is subject to the license that is bundled
+ * with this source code in the file LICENSE
+ *
+ * @package restcord/restcord
+ * @copyright Aaron Scherer 2017
+ * @license MIT
+ */
+/** @noinspection PhpUnhandledExceptionInspection */
+(new Application('Build Model Classes', '1.0.0'))
+ ->register('buildModelClasses')
+ ->addArgument('version', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'Version to build')
+ ->setCode(
+ function (InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) use ($twig, $license, $path) {
+ $style = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Style\SymfonyStyle($input, $output);
+ $style->title("Building Model Classes for: ".$input->getArgument('version'));
+ $definition = \GuzzleHttp\json_decode(
+ file_get_contents(
+ __DIR__.'/../src/Resources/service_description-v'.$input->getArgument('version').'.json'
+ ),
+ true
+ );
+ $generator = new CodeGenerator();
+ foreach ($definition['models'] as $resource => $models) {
+ foreach ($models as $name => $model) {
+ $resource = str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace(['-', '_'], ' ', $resource)));
+ $name = str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace(['-', '_'], ' ', $name)));
+ $class = new PhpClass();
+ $class->setQualifiedName('RestCord\\Model\\'.ucwords($resource).'\\'.ucwords($name));
+ $class->setDescription(ucwords($name)." Model");
+ $class->setProperties(
+ array_map(
+ function (&$name, $property) use ($class, $resource, $model) {
+ $optional = strpos($name, '?') !== false;
+ $name = lcfirst(str_replace([' ', '?'], '', str_replace('-', '_', $name)));
+ $prop = new PhpProperty($name);
+ $prop->setType(normalizeType($name, $resource, $property).($optional ? "|null" : ""));
+ $prop->setDescription($property['description']);
+ if (isset($property['default'])) {
+ $prop->setValue($property['default']);
+ }
+ return $prop;
+ },
+ array_keys($model['properties']),
+ $model['properties']
+ )
+ );
+ addTraits($class, $resource, $name);
+ $constructor = new PhpMethod('__construct');
+ $constructor->addSimpleParameter('content', 'array', null);
+ $constructor->setBody(
+ <<<EOF
+ if (null === \$content) {
+ return;
+foreach (\$content as \$key => \$value) {
+ \$key = lcfirst(str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', \$key))));
+ if (property_exists(\$this, \$key)) {
+ \$this->{\$key} = \$value;
+ }
+ );
+ $constructor->setVisibility('public');
+ $class->setMethod($constructor);
+ @mkdir($path.'/'.ucwords($resource), 02775, true);
+ file_put_contents(
+ $path.'/'.ucwords($resource).'/'.ucwords($name).'.php',
+ $license.$generator->generate($class)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ $style->success('Finished. Classes built in: '.realpath($path));
+ }
+ )
+ ->getApplication()
+ ->setDefaultCommand('buildModelClasses', true)
+ ->run();
+function normalizeType(string $name, string $resource, array $property): string
+ $type = $property['type'];
+ if ($name === 'user' && $resource === 'Guild') {
+ $type = "user/user";
+ }
+ switch ($type) {
+ default:
+ if (strpos($type, '/') !== false || strpos($type, 'Array<') === 0) {
+ $array = false;
+ if (stripos($type, 'Array') !== false) {
+ $array = true;
+ $type = str_replace(['Array<', '>'], '', $type);
+ }
+ if ($type === 'snowflake') {
+ return 'int[]';
+ }
+ $cls = "\\RestCord\\Model\\";
+ $tmp = explode('/', $type);
+ $cls .= ucwords($tmp[0])."\\";
+ $clean = str_replace(['-object', '-'], ['', ' '], $tmp[1]);
+ $clean = ucwords($clean);
+ $clean = str_replace(' ', '', $clean);
+ $fullClass = $cls.$clean.($array ? '[]' : '');
+ $fullClass = mapBadDocs($fullClass);
+ return $fullClass;
+ }
+ return $type;
+ case 'array':
+ if (strpos($property['description'], "ids") !== false) {
+ return "int[]";
+ }
+ return "array";
+ case 'ISO8601 timestamp':
+ case 'ISO8601':
+ return '\DateTimeImmutable';
+ case 'datetime':
+ return '\DateTime';
+ case 'snowflake':
+ case 'integer':
+ case 'timestamp':
+ return 'int';
+ case 'object':
+ return 'array';
+ case 'boolean':
+ return 'bool';
+ }
+function isTransformType(string $type): bool
+ $nonTransform = ['string', 'array'];
+ return array_search($type, $nonTransform) === false;
+function mapBadDocs(string $cls): string
+ switch ($cls) {
+ case '\RestCord\Model\User\DmChannel':
+ return '\RestCord\Model\Channel\DmChannel';
+ case '\RestCord\Model\Channel\Invite':
+ case '\RestCord\Model\Guild\Invite':
+ return '\RestCord\Model\Invite\Invite';
+ case '\RestCord\Model\Guild\GuildChannel':
+ return '\RestCord\Model\Channel\GuildChannel';
+ case '\RestCord\Model\Guild\User':
+ case '\RestCord\Model\Channel\User':
+ return '\RestCord\Model\User\User';
+ case 'ISO8601':
+ case '\RestCord\Model\Channel\ISO8601':
+ return '\DateTimeImmutable';
+ default:
+ return $cls;
+ }
+ return $cls;
+function addTraits(PhpClass $class, string $resource, string $name)
+ if ($resource === 'User' && $name === 'User') {
+ $class->addUseStatement(\RestCord\Traits\AvatarTrait::class)->addTrait("AvatarTrait");
+ }
+ if ($resource === 'Guild' && $name === 'Guild') {
+ $class->addUseStatement(\RestCord\Traits\IconTrait::class)->addTrait("IconTrait");
+ $class->addUseStatement(\RestCord\Traits\SplashTrait::class)->addTrait("SplashTrait");
+ }